Content Strategy & Creation

According to TrustRadius research, 87% of buyers want to self-serve part or all of their buying journey, and 57% of buyers already make purchase decisions without ever talking with a vendor representative.

Why is content strategy important in B2B marketing for small businesses?

Content strategy is vital in B2B marketing for small businesses.

It is essential to have an organized plan to create and publish high-quality content that reaches the right audience.

Content strategy is the backbone of any marketing campaign, and it helps businesses connect with potential customers, establish trust, and build a brand reputation.

A well-designed content strategy can drive traffic to your website, enhance online visibility, increase leads and sales, and improve customer engagement. Without a proper content strategy, businesses could waste resources and fail to attract the desired audience.

Therefore, developing a content strategy that aligns with the business’s goals and objectives is crucial, ensuring it is well executed and measured to enable effective changes and improvements.

A sound content strategy helps businesses connect with clients

Content strategy boosts website traffic and generates leads

Content is crucial for small B2B businesses due to several reasons.

  • Creating valuable content can increase brand awareness and prove the business’s industry expertise.
  • Secondly, content can attract potential clients to the business’s website, resulting in lead generation and potential sales.
  • Thirdly, high-quality content can establish trust between the business and its target market, potentially leading to long-term partnerships.
  • Finally, consistent and relevant content can assist small B2B businesses in building a loyal customer base and establishing themselves as credible players in their particular market niche.

Connecting Content Strategy to Client Outcomes Raises You Over Your Competitors

Unfortunately, many of us have a lot of separate, disconnected pieces of content assets floating around that aren't linked to the goals, roles, and responsibilities of our target buyers. What's worse is that over time, our content assets (websites, blogs, pitch decks, capabilities statements, case studies, etc.) may have been created by different people and don't reflect our brand voice. Ultimately, your goal is to build a trusted relationship with your clients by providing valuable insights and advice to help them make the best possible decisions for their business. Let us help you tell the story of how you drive success for your clients.

Therefore, generating content should be an integral part of an effective B2B marketing strategy, and small businesses should prioritize it to achieve growth and success in today’s highly competitive market.

Types of content marketing

You must prioritize developing effective content strategies to boost website traffic and increase leads. With a well-executed plan, your brand will experience significant growth and exposure.

Engaging and educational content is crucial to establishing your industry expertise and building trust with your audience. Do not overlook this powerful strategy for your website traffic; lead generation success is essential.

We understand you have a lot on your plate, so we offer a comprehensive, multi-faceted process to create a specific Customer Contact Action Plan tailored to your company.

Our Customer Contact Action Plan considers your company’s story and the biggest growth opportunities available to provide you with the necessary tools to execute a 12-month plan that helps you achieve your revenue goals.

Our Approach

Unlock Your Marketing Potential and Reach Your Business Goals

Persona and Brand Identity

To effectively communicate with your target audience, it’s important to understand their issues and needs clearly. Our approach is to gather key insights that will inform your customer contact action plan (CCAP), which includes defining the ideal customer profile (ICP) and buyer personas. This foundation will help you connect with your customers and address their challenges more effectively.

Goals, Gaps, Targeted Impacts

We’ll help you reach your business goals by defining the numbers needed to achieve your targeted outcomes. This will be based on industry benchmarks, estimated growth opportunities, and your historical data. With our expertise in website traffic, lead conversions, and meetings with decision-makers, we’ll provide data-driven solutions to get you the results you need.

Value Mapping and Messaging

At this stage, our team will thoroughly analyze your targeted audience and delve deep into your brand’s core values and capabilities. Then connect those capabilities to your target audience’s goals and business outcomes. By effectively identifying and learning about your buyers’ decision-making processes, we can craft compelling messaging and tailor tactics to ensure optimal engagement and high conversion rates for your business.

What You'll Get

Brand Strategy

Our brand strategy is an essential component of your overall business plan to ensure we establish a strong brand presence in the market. It requires a clear understanding of your target audience, competition, and unique value proposition. Our goal is to create an emotional connection between your brand and your customers that will drive loyalty and repeat business. Through thoughtful planning and execution, we aim to position your brand as a leader in your industry and achieve long-term success.

Buyer Personas

To better understand your client base and create buyer personas, we will conduct interviews with a range of your past and current customers. The interviews will cover their backgrounds, the issues they encountered, and why they selected your company as a solution. This approach will assist in shaping your ideal buyer personas and demonstrating how your business can assist them.

B2B Buyers Journey

To effectively reach your target audience, it's important to understand the challenges and pressures they face. Our roadmap will help you connect with your ideal prospects and decision influencers throughout every stage of their buyer journey. By taking this approach, we can ensure that your solution is presented in the right way to meet their specific needs.

Competitor Analysis

At KIP Total Marketing Solutions, we analyze data from multiple sources to get a comprehensive view of the industry landscape. We evaluate data from 3-4 competitors, examine your past performance, and compare it to industry standards to identify your strengths and areas for improvement. With our extensive industry knowledge, we'll provide you with expert recommendations designed to enhance your performance and help you reach your business goals.

Email Marketing

We provide targeted marketing by focusing on your buyer personas on their preferred platforms. Our multi-touch outreach sequences include email, video, voice mail, phone, and LinkedIn messaging. Along with creating engaging copies and graphics, we also offer recommendations to increase the performance of your campaigns.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We'll find the top keywords, phrases, and questions that your target audience is searching for. We'll work them into your website copy to improve your visibility. We'll also do a technical audit to identify any on-page indexing problems that may be limiting your visibility to potential clients. Our team will help improve your content strategy and provide additional support to make sure your website stands out from the competition. We're proud to partner with you to achieve your business goals.

Website Revamp

We create sales focused websites that help your business achieve its desired results through our process of strategy development, design, content creation, and technical support. Our priority is to provide a purposeful customer experience that connects you with your target audience and enables them to engage better with your website.

B2B Social Media

B2B social media platforms are great for identifying your target audience, making connections, and staying relevant in industry conversations. To keep your strategy engaging, we recommend using a calendar that balances evergreen content and timely messaging. This way, you can share information that your prospects find most valuable.


Most frequent questions and answers

Content in B2B refers to any information produced and shared by businesses to inform, educate, or entertain their target audience. It could be blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, eBooks, videos, webinars, infographics, and social media posts. The content is designed to attract and retain potential customers, build trust, and drive profitable customer action.

It is a critical B2B marketing strategy component and must be consistently developed, optimized, and promoted to achieve desired goals.

To determine what type of content appeals to B2B buyers, a comprehensive analysis of the audience’s preferences, needs, and pain points must first be conducted.

This entails a deep understanding of the industry in question, as well as a thorough evaluation of the unique characteristics of the target B2B audience.

B2B buyers tend to be highly informed, discerning and prioritize practical and effective solutions. As such, creating informative, engaging, and solution-oriented content is key to capturing their attention.

Other factors for engaging content geared toward B2B buyers include relevance, authenticity, and integration across multiple marketing channels.

Some successful types of content that appeal to B2B buyers include case studies, whitepapers, industry insights and best practices, webinars, product demos, and other educational resources that provide actionable insights leading to effective solutions.

To make B2B content more interesting, focus on providing valuable and relevant information to your target audience.

Start by understanding their pain points, challenges, and needs. Use this information to create content that addresses those issues and provides actionable solutions. Make sure your content is easy to understand, engaging, and visually appealing by using multimedia such as images, videos, and infographics.

Additionally, keep your content concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary jargon and technical terms. Lastly, use storytelling to connect with your audience personally and make your content more memorable. Always remember that providing value and addressing your audience’s needs is the key to creating interesting and effective B2B content.

B2B marketers often wonder what type of content resonates best with their target audience. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, certain content formats have proven to be particularly effective in the B2B space.

For instance, research and data-driven content, case studies, whitepapers, and webinars are all great formats because they offer valuable insights and actionable information.

In contrast, purely promotional content is less effective, as it doesn’t provide much value to the audience. Ultimately, the key to creating effective B2B content is to focus on providing value and being helpful to your audience.

Doing so lets you establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and build credibility with your target customers.

We understand that creating content can be complex and time-consuming, so we are here to help you develop a successful content strategy approach. Our team has extensive knowledge and experience in content creation and can tailor our services to meet your specific requirements.

Whether you’re looking to boost your brand awareness or generate more leads for your business, we’ve got you covered. We take the time to understand your business objectives and work closely with you to develop a comprehensive content strategy that suits your needs. From crafting inspiring blog posts to designing engaging social media campaigns, we suggest the best action to achieve your content goals.

At KIP Total Marketing Solutions, we are committed to helping you succeed in the highly competitive world of digital marketing. Let us assist you in creating content that resonates with your target audience and boosts your business growth. Contact us today to get started on your journey to content success.

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Our marketing experts will analyze your current strategies and provide expert advice to help you achieve your goals.

With our comprehensive evaluation, we’ll look closely at your campaigns, target audience, and overall marketing approach to give you a highly personalized and strategic analysis of your tactics. We aim to help you boost your reach, increase conversions, and maximize your marketing and P.R. budget.

So why wait? Sign up now to receive invaluable insights and recommendations from our experienced marketing team. 

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